The Dragon Within

Listen now to "Dragon Breath Track"

Araya interviewed on the Loretta Brown Show

The dragons have played a part in the history of the universe since the beginning. We see them sprinkled throughout ancient traditions, religions and philosophies and yet they always hold an air of purely mythic or legendary existence. Some of those traditions have held the dragons in high esteem and import, while others have portrayed them as fearful beasts. What we are coming to realize is that our 'ascension' process (or truly 'descension' of our Lightbodies into the physical plane) during this time of great transition for the planet is indelibly linked to the dragons.

It is the completion of the spiral to come back around to the most ancient energies of creation, to our molecular roots so to speak, yet with a consciousness that allows us to move and expand into the next evolutionary phase: the next spiral. It is through our connection to the dragon energies becoming available once again that our Lightbodies can be fully grounded into the physical. This is why the dragons are resurfacing, and play such a crucial role at this time on the planet. They are the guardians of the deepest layers of density in the core of Gaia that hold the secrets to our ascension process.

It is they who have held the knowledge and keys to the activation and anchoring of the crystalline matrices and higher Light geometries within our physical bodies and Gaia's that are necessary for us to hold our highest Lightbodies in form.

It is they who hold vital keys to the resurrection of the Divine Feminine that is instrumental in our transition into a time of Divine Union and balance of the Masculine and Feminine energies on the planet. They can help us activate the power, joy and bliss of Shakti, the power of the lifeforce - the Feminine Power - that needs to be reawakened and reactivated within each of us and in Gaia. 

They have been awakening and activating deep connections within many of us in the last few years, in order that we may remember our connections to them and invite them to show us the pieces we are missing. Many on the planet are feeling drawn to them again, whether by direct experience, an interest in dragon art or books or an unexplainable awakening of something deep within us tied to dragons that we can't pinpoint.


Download FREE now - "Calling In Your Dragon" Guided Meditation

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Download FREE now - "Calling In Your Dragon" Guided Meditation

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The Dragon Within is in essence a history and practical guidebook to work with these magnificent Beings. It will open the ley lines of energy long closed off in the physical and etheric bodies that are connected to the dragons. It will bring on a journey of discovery both unexpected and yet uncannily familiar. It will expose you to the deepest, most abundant love that you have yet experienced, as this is the truest essence of these Beings - Love, Power and Wisdom - and they will teach each of us a great deal.





If you need support or assistance on your journey, please email me to see about session work together or go here to book. There are 75 minute 1-on-1 sessions and 20-minute dragon readings offered, as well as free 20-minute discovery calls, a 12-week Transformation Springboard and a Dragon Within Book Club.




Book Now

Araya is now offering a BOOK CLUB with The Dragon Within.

Each week we delve into different sections of the book to discuss, answer questions, share experiences and/or go into meditation with one or more of the dragons present to serve based on the group energy.

This is a dynamic opportunity to dive into the work the dragons bring to humanity and work directly with the author.  Most participants describe it as 'way more than a Book Club!' Watch for next session dates or email Araya to register or get on the list for the next class. 

'This has been one of the most powerful journeys of self re-discovery and return I have ever experienced! Thank you all soooo much for the incredible energy, love and support with which you've embraced each and every one of us on the day-to-day basis.  Dear Araya AnRa, you are goddess! Thank you thank you thank you for the work that you do. This book club has been a catalyst of monumental growth and awakening. It was far beyone what I could have imagined it to be! Feeling totally blessed by this whole experience. :) Polina, Australia

Find out more!



The WAY OF THE DRAGONHEART Program.  An 8-month journey of discovery, opening and deepening into the Dragon Realms was created to be an opportunity to truly step into who you BE.  For some, just hearing that term is chiming a chord deep within the chambers of your Heart.  What does it mean to awaken that ancient slumbering aspect of yourself… to walk in this body on the Earth in the full mantle of your Dragon Self.  

As our ascension journey has quickened, the Dragons asked me to create a fast track bringing the 8-months into 8 weeks! Now introducing...


There is not currently a program on the calendar, but I do accept applications at any time for upcoming programs. 

If you are interested in this please email for info or dive right into the application!

Accelerated ascension with the Dragons. This is designed to be a fast-track merging multiple streams of information into a single lane forward - imagine the Car Pool lane on the freeway!

The open discussion of your questions about the Dragons from the Book Club, the foundation laying of the Eye of the Dragon path, the merge into who you BE of the Way of the Dragon Heart, and the access to current information continually coming through that is for the NOW moment of this ascension journey.

The same goal... the merge with your Dragon Self (your Light Body), but on light speed. The ongoing message is 'time is of the essence' because the zero-point doorway is open. We are on the precipice before it. The 5D Quantum Realms are open for those ready and the Dragons want to get you there.


Please contact me if you would like more information. 



A 6-week foundation building course for work with the Dragons. The focus will be on initiation into the Elemental, Black and White Dragons: how to work with them, their energetic characteristics and specialties, improving your capacity to work with and feel energy.




I want to say THANK YOU in a big way for the openings, expansion and depths of the 'classes' thus far... I have shifted in ways not anticipated! ~ Beth, USA (after just the first 3 weeks)

I just wanted to thank you for the quality of the Quantum Flight program. Each word you proounced last week was exactly what I needed in that moment to grow. I am impressed and felt so many energies before the group gathered, during the sessions and even now when I listen again to the meditations. Thank you for what you bring to this earth. ~Elodie, France

'The Way of the DragonHeart Program is a profoundly energetic and healing initiation into the Reality of who you are at your deepest level - a Dragon. Each weekly introduction and experience of new Dragons pushes you to ever deepening levels of your Being. From the Earth to the Pleiades, these introductions allow you to now have personal connections with the Dragons that create, inhabit and protect the Universe as we know it, including yourself. This is the greatest introduction of all - finding out who you are.  Araya's healing sessions augment this introduction by shining the light of awareness of those places that limit our expansion and resting in our Dragon self. It will be scary and exhiliarating at the same time. You each have the potential to be so much greater than you think you are. This class is the doorway for you to explore that greatness for the  rest of your life.  If the opportunity to take this course arises, give it serious consideration. Cyrill-An, Philadelphia'


Araya is offering Global Activations and Workshops again!  

Offering 1 and 2-day workshops - Walking With The Dragons - brings a true chance to dive in and experience the Dragons first-hand, to understand your connection with them more clearly and more deeply, to learn why they are with you and how you can work with them more directly.  It will be a powerful gathering for expansion on many levels, as well as a lot of fun as the Dragons come with quite a sense of humor most of the time.

No Workshops currently scheduled...



There are currently no workshops scheduled. If you would like to have one scheduled in your area or would like to be notified of upcoming workshops, please email me!


Please notify me when registration is open




Also now available... DRAGON ORACLE DECKGUIDED MEDITATIONS and ONLINE COURSES with the Dragons. 

Lots more information is available at OR

Please join our FB GROUP - FOR THE LOVE OF DRAGONS - We are gathering the dragon clans together again to share experiences, inspirations and artwork... all things dragon, to create a space to ask questions and support others who are just opening to the dragons' presence in their lives. I would love to have you there!


Please be aware that this information is a helpful tool for the natural or human love path only (as are all current new age spritual teachings and practices); as such it can help open, clear, heal and guide into a state of more natural or human love, as was attained by the Buddha and many others over history. This can lead to the perfected human state that many are seeking, but does not make one immortal on the soul level and thus has a finite completion, although the state reached is one of much happiness and peace.

This path does not and CANNOT lead to at-onement with God, which is only possible on the Divine Love path. The Divine Love path, which heals to the deepest level within the Soul by aligning to the Divine Laws of Love and Truth and including Mother/Father God as the integral core, is the only path that allows the soul to become both in image AND in substance of God by opening to receive God's Divine Love, which transforms the soul and makes it immortal. This is the highest aspiration of the soul and brings the greatest happiness and peace, but each soul in harmony with Divine Law has Free Will to seek what it desires.

As the dragons have become extremely active and present with me as of late, I am starting to have a new understanding and awareness of their connection to Mother/Father God, the angelic realms and their part not only in the creation of the planet, but originally of this universe.  This is how ancient they are.  And in line with the information shared above about the natural love path and the Divine Love path, I find it holds true with the Dragon work as well.  You can choose a certain level of connection with them and stay on a natural love path which will lead to great love and bliss, but when you bring their connection to God into the openings as well, and allow a true opening of your own heart and Soul to Mother/Father God as healing, openings and realignments occur for you, then you will receive the greatest gift that they have to offer humanity.




This book, 'The Dragon Within' with its companion CD gives us a taste and opening into the energies of the Dragons, and what each one can do for us, and how we can work with them to fully empower the Divine Feminine within. This is not material for those who wish to leave their bodies and go into another place: this is material for those who wish to be here now, and embody themselves on earth, embracing their shadows completely, and coming into their full Self empowerment. It is for those who wish to co-create Heaven on earth by bringing all aspects of themselves into wholeness; it is for those who wish to embody the divine feminine in all its power, wisdom, and love.  ~ Padma Aon, Author of The Christ Blueprint, The Power of Shakti, The Nine Eyes of Light, and Womb Wisdom