Exciting news!! Watch for the upcoming release of the new book! The Ascension Protocol: Keys from the Dragons for Accessing Your Divine Human Blueprint. (expected release by March Equinox)
The dragons have played a part in the history of the universe since the beginning. We see them sprinkled throughout ancient traditions, religions and philosophies and yet they always hold an air of purely mythic or legendary existence. Some of those traditions have held the dragons in high esteem and import, while others have portrayed them as fearful beasts. What we are coming to realize is that our 'ascension' process (or truly 'descension' of our Lightbodies into the physical plane) during this time of great transition for the planet is indelibly linked to the dragons.
It is the completion of the spiral to come back around to the most ancient energies of creation, to our molecular roots so to speak, yet with a consciousness that allows us to move and expand into the next evolutionary phase: the next spiral. It is through our connection to the dragon energies becoming available once again that our Lightbodies can be fully grounded into the physical. This is why the dragons are resurfacing, and play such a crucial role at this time on the planet. They are the guardians of the deepest layers of density in the core of Gaia that hold the secrets to our ascension process.
It is they who have held the knowledge and keys to the activation and anchoring of the crystalline matrices and higher Light geometries within our physical bodies and Gaia's that are necessary for us to hold our highest Lightbodies in form.
It is they who hold vital keys to the resurrection of the Divine Feminine that is instrumental in our transition into a time of Divine Union and balance of the Masculine and Feminine energies on the planet. They can help us activate the power, joy and bliss of Shakti, the power of the lifeforce - the Feminine Power - that needs to be reawakened and reactivated within each of us and in Gaia.
They have been awakening and activating deep connections within many of us in the last few years, in order that we may remember our connections to them and invite them to show us the pieces we are missing. Many on the planet are feeling drawn to them again, whether by direct experience, an interest in dragon art or books or an unexplainable awakening of something deep within us tied to dragons that we can't pinpoint.